HB311 Bill Title: establishing a committee to study rail trail best management practices. (LSR#: 414) http://www.gencourt.state.nh.us/
House Status: IN COMMITTEE (Resources, Recreation and Development)Due out of Committee 3/11/2021
Bill Excerpts: Duties. The committee shall: I. Develop best management practices for repurposing former rail beds into rail trails and develop best management practices for maintaining rail trails to reduce or limit exposure of possible contamination to users. III. Solicit advice and testimony from experts in areas of study including, but not limited to:(k) Animal impact.
Things to consider:Is it necessary to develop a Best Management Practice (BMP) regarding containments when the state may already address BMP practices in the many NH regulations? Comments at Hearing stated there are no BMP for Rail Trails in NH
Is it necessary to include animal impact? Or user impact or user impact at all? Comments at Hearing did not explain in detail the purpose of having User impact in the study. What will they be asking for?Is this Committee necessary when we already have a SB185 DOT Advisory committee that is updating the State Rail Trail Plan?Comments at Hearing mentioned use of MASS BMP as a basis for NH BMP-
Here is the link to watch the meeting: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cEpSXMK9Jno
The public hearing has been closed, but you may always send comments. They just won't be part of the hearing.
To send in comments to ask for a change to the Bill wording, or show your approval of the Bill, or show your disapproval of the Bill, please send to the Resources, Recreation and Development Legislative Committee.HouseResourcesRecreationandDevelopment@leg.state.nh.us;
andrew.renzullo@leg.state.nh.us; Michael.Gunski@leg.state.nh.us;
Send your questions to Rep. Suzanne Smith the primary sponsorsuzanne.smith@leg.state.nh.us
Submitted by NHHC Trails Committee